As a visible organisation of the universal Church and the pilgrim people on the earthly journey, we need your generous contributions to the Parish for our missions:
- To carry out the works of evangelisation: catechetical activities for children & youths, training catechists, formation of the laity, aids to churches in developing countries, etc.
- To support the poor and the needy: local projects for homeless, refugees, contributions to local, national, or international charities, especially those recommended or organised by the Church.
- To maintain and develop our facilities: The present Our Lady of Lourdes Church was built in 1963 and the Hall in 1958. They are pre-fabricated structures with the estimated life span of about 25 years. Now after more half a century, they are still serving a thriving community. We need to look after them well, so they may continue to function for a generation or so. However, they will not last for ever. We need to leave a legacy to the future generations to build new facilities for their liturgical celebrations and pastoral needs.
- To help Saint John Fisher Community in Cambourne to have a place for daily worship, catechetical activities, and pastoral care: As a new community within our Parish, the young families with their children in SJF Community need a stable environment to foster their Faith. While a church is a long-term project, their immediate need is a house which may be used as a meeting place, catechism classes, a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament for daily Mass and prayers, and a room when an assistant priest is available.
- To support our Diocese in administration expenses as well as other activities on diocesan level.
To help us, you may:
- Send a cheque payable to OLOL and SJF Parish
- Contribute regularly by Standing Order. Please download the form
- Make a one-off donation to our parish account number
03187187, sort code 20-17-20, at Barclays Cambridge St. Andrews Street branch
- Leave a legacy in favour of Our Lady of Lourdes and Saint John Fisher Parish. The ‘Gifts in Wills’ are your significant contributions to the present activities and future development of our Parish.
Your silent gifts are actively lived in the daily life of Mass and prayers by the faithful and clergy in the Parish.
- Donate via Dona system by following a link below[5]